Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Days 17 & 18: Compression

So, I didn't write yesterday because it was my birthday and I didn't feel like it! So there. The best part of class was when everyone sang happy birthday to me during triangle. It made triangle shorter, which was excellent in my book. Heh.

Today's class was really good, despite some problems with balance. I finally held standing bow pulling pose for the entire time! Every time I felt myself getting wobbly, I figured out if I needed to lower my abdomen more or kick my leg more. It was really interesting to feel that "natural human tug-of-war" in this pose. Hooray!

Today was all about the compression postures. I got my head to my knee for the first time ever in standing head to knee! VICTORY! Of course, my boobs were choking the shit out of my throat and my knee is nowhere near locked, but I got my forehead to my knee. That means I got the benefit for the very first time today. I almost started laughing I was so happy.

I also had success in head to knee with stretching, much in the same way as above. I got my forehead a little above my knee and my legs were MUCH closer to being straight than ever before.

Whatever's going on with my hamstring was sort of painful last night so I had Jason slap some Tiger Balm on it and it really seemed to help. Today it didn't hurt too bad, but standing separate leg stretching is still kind of painful so I continue to place my hands on the floor instead of under my heels. It doesn't hurt so bad when my knee is unlocked, but when I lock it, it really restricts my movement. I'm just going to keep working through it and push myself as far as I can without causing more pain. It only hurts when I'm stretching the muscle so it doesn't give me any trouble in my day-to-day life.

Life is good and I have yoga to thank!

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