Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 23: Good & Bad

Today was hands-down the weirdest class I've had so far. The standing series was completely wretched. I got so dizzy that I actually had to lay in savasana for a couple postures to avoid passing out. It felt like my first week of practice again! I just kept trying to breathe and keep my eyes open and get myself to standing as soon as possible. To be honest, I didn't really do too much of the standing series.

Then, in the floor series, my day turned completely around. I think I may have figured out how to properly align my hips. I did the best locust pose I've ever done before! I made sure that my hips were aligned on my forearms and tried to push them as hard as possible into the ground and lift my legs from that joint. I know I got my legs up farther than I ever have before. After the first set, my hands were tingling so hard. It felt amazing.

The proper alignment of my hips totally skyrocketed my bow pose, too. I was able to squeeze my knees together and push up from the ground. I didn't have my wonky left leg way out to the left side. I felt solid and strong and the spine tingle I got after was well worth the exertion.

So class started off terrible and ended up awesome. I guess there's some kind of lesson in there, eh? Keep going even when it's awful and sometimes it turns around. I'm pretty tired now, but I'm really glad I got to class today.

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