Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 20: 1/3!

As predicted, Day 20 was much better than Day 19. I had good focus and could push myself again. My hamstring is getting better every day, but I'm still being gentle with it and standing separate leg stretching still hurts.

Right now, my biggest problem is my hips. They keep popping out of alignment and since in a lot of postures, you're not looking in the mirror, I can't really tell when they're correct. It's a little frustrating but I just keep trying to sneak peeks in the mirror and realign my hips and hold it.

In bow pose, it's become a noticeable problem. I start off kind of wonky and I have to realign in the air, which is really hard and kind of impossible. In attempting to fix my bad alignment, I turned my left shoulder a weird way and, man, did that not feel good. I also think that in bow, I'm not pushing my legs up equally. I know I need to keep my legs closer together, but it's so hard to find my alignment that the rest is kind of impossible right now. Sigh.

In other news:

1/3 done with the challenge! It's flying by. Kind of.

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