Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 6: Frustration

I felt like I had a crappy practice today. My hips kept going out of alignment which made every pose feel incredibly weird. I couldn't really figure out how to right my awkward alignment and I felt myself getting increasingly frustrated. My balance was terrible, I felt like a pendulum swinging around everywhere. I may or may not have mouthed a curse under my breath at one point. I just tried my best to breathe and relax and let it go. You can't have a perfect practice every day, you can only try your best. Sometimes your best is better than others.

In an attempt to get past my frustration and channel my energy into something productive, I bought Bikram's book, Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class and I'm absolutely engrossed in it. It is insanely inspiring, and it's answering a lot of questions I didn't even know I had. It tells you how you should ideally do a posture, and then how you will realistically do a posture your first few times. It's so helpful.

Okay, back to reading. See you tomorrow!

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