Thursday, December 30, 2010

Restructuring yet again

Today was kind of a scary day for me. While outside in the garage working on the cars, my dad dislocated his hip. He'd had his hip replaced back in my senior year of college (5 years ago now... seriously? I'm getting old!) and he just got up wrong and popped the replacement hip out of joint.

Thankfully, it wasn't very serious. There were no fractures and they just needed to pop it back in place (easier said than done, of course). The bad part is that a dislocated hip is pretty damn painful. My dad is super tough. He is NOT a complainer and always downplays any pain he's in, but he definitely had some choice words anytime the ambulance people/hospital workers/etc. had to move his hip in the slightest. As a kid, it's pretty scary to see your parent in pain.

He was really lucky in that once the hip was back in its socket, he felt just fine and was able to go home. He didn't need any surgery and didn't have any broken bones, so I am counting my blessings. He even felt well enough to cook dinner for my mom when we got home - see what I mean about my dad being tough?

Anyways, how does this relate to yoga? Well, I had to miss class again today because our planned class came and went while we were at the hospital. I was going to try and go to the last class of the day, the 7:30, but my mom didn't get back in time for me to take her car. So, what this means is that my double count is up to four. FOUR.

I can only conclude that the universe really wants me to work for this challenge. Now, the plan has shifted (yet again) to doubles on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Considering I'm also extremely behind on my day-job work, I'm a little stressed about the state of work I need to do next week, but nothing like starting 2011 off with a bang. I know I can do it, but I'd be lying if I said I don't think I'm going to cry from exhaustion/relief/bliss after the 60th class.

Let's just hope the universe doesn't have any more doubles planned for me. Four in a week is enough, in my opinion.

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