Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Days 28 & 29 (part 1)

So, last night's class was probably my worst ever. I had a few issues, namely that I ate too close to class and I had massive cramps. My stomach was not well. I spent the vast majority of class (post-first set of standing head to knee) on my back in savasana, simply trying to not leave the room/throw up. Considering how awful I felt, I was pretty proud that I was able to stay in the room. I definitely almost fled several times. I decided to put the bad class behind me and look forward to today's double!

I've completed the first part of the double already today. Jason and I got up at the crack of dawn to hit up the 7:30 am class. Waking up at 6 is torture for me but getting out of class at 9 am and feeling all awake and happy is priceless. As Jason said after class, "What a great way to start the day!"

Class today was fantastic for me! I'm not sure if the heat wasn't as bad or if my body was just acclimated better, but I didn't get dizzy at all. The class was small and Jason and I both got a lot of personal correction, which I LOVE. I even got a correction and a compliment on my backbend, which was so cool since I have very recently figured out how to relax my right side to bend deeper. I love feeling compression in my lower spine!

In balancing stick, I worked really hard on keeping my lifted leg's hip down in line with the other. God, does that make the posture so much harder! It's a little easier to balance that way, though. It's one of my first real breakthroughs on this particular posture, so it's worth noting.

In half-tortoise, the teacher told me to try and lift my arms up before my head at the end of the posture. HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL, that is hard. I kind of fruitlessly flopped on the ground for a minute before getting out of the posture, but I know I'll get there eventually if I keep trying. It's all just a matter of time.

I've been finding that if my hips are out of line, I need to look at my shoulders. Often, when my hips are twisted or wonky, my right shoulder will be WAY higher than the left. So I'm working on relaxing my shoulder down, which in turn usually evens out my hips. I'm making baby steps towards fixing my silly ballet hips. It's a slow process, but I'm seeing progress so it's great.

And now, I'm going to rest for a while before making dinner. I will make sure to eat WAY in advance of class (I'm thinking at least 4 hours before is best) so I don't get nauseous or birth a food baby in the middle of wind-removing pose. I'll let you know how the second half of the double goes! After tonight, I'll be all caught up and halfway done. Wow.


  1. "In half-tortoise, the teacher told me to try and lift my arms up before my head at the end of the posture."

    I'm going to try that next class!

  2. awesome! it's really, really, really hard. haha.
