Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Days 16-22

I have had plenty of motivation to going to class but shockingly little for writing in this blog. My apologies! However, my practice is getting stronger and stronger despite my little respite in posting.

The biggest news is that I've begun to regularly keep my hips in alignment. I've figured out that if I really squeeze my inner thighs and keep my knees together, my hips stay in the proper place. It also really helps me to keep my stomach tight, which I've been working on very hard in the past week.

I feel like I've bumped up my practice to a new level in the first part of this challenge. I'm working into different parts of my body. I'm actually going less deep in a lot of the postures but I'm doing them with proper form. "Form before depth" - yeah, I finally understand it!

I can grab my right foot in standing head to knee! YES! I can't hold it very long with my knee locked but, sweet sassy molassy, does it work my core. The discovery of muscles in my stomach continues to amaze me. I cannot believe how long I went without using these muscles! Finding my abs means slightly more stabilization and the ability to push my arm up to the ceiling in triangle. I actually got through all four triangles today! No sitting for me in the standing series. It was a very nice feeling.

I think I must be building a lot of muscle because I've been sort of staying in the same 3-pound weight range since the beginning of the challenge. I can feel it in my body but it can be tough to listen and be patient.

Life is good. Jason signed up for the auto-pay program at yoga so he's committed to at least three more months! YAY! Have I mentioned that going together is the best? IT IS THE BEST.

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