Thursday, January 6, 2011

This one was good from the get-go.

Today's class was out of this world. It was one of the best classes I've had in recent memory. I love it when this happens, these classes make it totally worth struggling through the really bad ones.

I had a really great start to class with pranayama breathing. I had a lot of success with keeping my chest lifted and rolling my head back. I think it's definitely the farthest I've seen on the back wall, which was exciting. The further you're able to go in the pose, the better it winds up feeling. Who knew?

My backbends are getting better and better! After my first one today, I got that not-unlike-dizziness-but-totally-not-dizziness spinal energy feeling and it carried me, honestly, through the rest of the entire day. I couldn't do absolutely everything in the standing series because I kept getting overwhelmed by that feeling. I felt like I was reaching new levels of depth in nearly every posture and it released a ton of crazy energy in my body. It's a really overwhelming feeling and at one point I really focused on not pulling away from the feeling but relaxing into it. I only captured this relaxation for a couple seconds but it was completely amazing. There are no words.

I touched my head to the floor in both sets of standing separate leg stretching and both times it gave me the world's biggest head rush. It felt incredible and unsettling and wonderful. I really cannot crow about that feeling enough. It's so unbelievably cool.

The instructor gave me a great correction in cobra and it made the entire spine strengthening series amazing for me. I was able to work so much deeper into my spine than ever before and I got so many head & body rushes that I could barely see. Camel and rabbit were both so intense. I wish every class could be like this one!

After class, I couldn't stop grinning. Not just smiling but ear-to-ear grinning. I was singing along with the radio at top volume, practically dancing in the good ol' rental car. I've been energetic and happy all day long. Now I'm pretty wiped out and am ready to curl up in bed and do some reading but ever since the opening breath of pranayama, my day has totally rocked. Thumbs way up. Thanks, yoga!


  1. I kill at rabbit, but camel is another of those poses that makes me want to die.

  2. rabbit is generally a lot easier for dudes than ladies cause they don't have any pesky boobs getting in the way. it's definitely one i struggle with but i'm noticing a lot of improvement, so i can't be too upset!

    camel is totally one of my absolute favorites. in my first month of practice, i couldn't even really attempt it without nearly passing out. i'd get up on my knees and BOOM! back down. but once you really relax into the spinal compression, it's amaaaaaazing. the whoosh of blood from releasing the compression tourniquet makes my spine feel like magic.

  3. that came out wrong. i don't think i mean that rabbit is easier for guys, i think i mean that guys can do it better.
